Meet a Pro Player: Jake from OWL

Ex-Overwatch League (OWL) player & Coach for the Houston Outlaws. Currently OWL analyst for Activision Blizzard

Meet a Pro Player: Jake from OWL

Join us for an informative webinar featuring a pro ex-Overwatch League player and coach for the Houston Outlaws esports team, and current OWL analyst for Activision-Blizzard.

Esports has rapidly grown in popularity in recent years and has become an integral part of many educational institutions. However, many students still have questions about how to pursue a career in esports.

In this webinar, Jake will share his experiences and expertise on how to pursue a career in esports, including career pathways outside of being a pro player, the roles of coaches and analysts, and how esports can be used as a tool for learning and personal growth. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an expert and gain valuable insights into the world of academic esports!

General Info

September 19, 2023
4:00 pm
Jake Lyon

About Our Panelist(s):

Panelist profile photo

Jake Lyon

Jake is an experienced Overwatch player and analyst with a wealth of experience in the world of esports. As a former pro player for the Houston Outlaws and a current analyst for the Overwatch League, Jake's journey in the world of competitive gaming has left an indelible mark. As an analyst, Jake provides invaluable commentary, enriching the viewer experience and deepening their understanding of high-level play. Jake is an example of someone that’s turned their passion for gaming into high-paying career opportunities and will share his experience and advice for students looking to do the same.