Esports Programs
Explore opportunities to channel students' passions for gaming into career and college readiness.
Elementary School
Learning becomes fun and engaging in a program designed exclusively for elementary students.
Middle School
Harness fundamental STEM skills in a digital age with gaming and learning.
High School
Career exploration and game development courses, workforce internships, and college readiness.
Camps, clubs, and more that can be implemented with our core program for extended learning opportunities.
We offer a wide range of esports education courses, appropriate for varying grade levels.
Curriculum Overview
Our academic esports courses are easy to teach and come in versatile implementation options.
Introduction to Game Development
Students learn how to conceptualize, design and build their very own game using JavaScript.
Pathway Esports
Students and teachers alike learn everything they need to start and run a competitive esports team at their school.
Use video games as a vehicle for standard-based math instruction.
Career Explorations in Esports
Students explore a variety of high-paying professions inside the dynamic, multi-billion dollar industry of esports.
Esports Broadcasting
In this hands-on course, students explore broadcasting fundamentals and learn both technical and soft skills needed to start their own streams.
Computer Science Essentials
Students are introduced to fundamental computer science concepts and learn how to safely navigate the web.
Through The Ages With Minecraft
Students journey through time, read about ancient cultures, and create their own civilizations as they learn about the 6 eras of human history.
Competition Overview
Students learn soft skills and build meaningful connections in our growth focused esports league.
CTSO Partnerships
BPA Competition
FBLA Competition
About Us
What we do and why we do it.
Events and Webinars
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Company news, esports tips, and more to help start and maintain clubs in your school.
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Free Resources
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State Affiliate Program
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Careers in Esports Webinars
Join our exclusive webinar series featuring industry experts, pro players, and more.
USAEL Coach Resources
Find all the resources and guides you'll need as a new coach for the USAEL.
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Academic Esports
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
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Esports Curricula
Esports Competition
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© 2023 United States Academic Esports League